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Life, Love, Games, and Media

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Join date : 2011-01-27

Whip-er-snapper Empty
PostSubject: Whip-er-snapper   Whip-er-snapper I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 11:59 am

(first post) Well, as a send-off for Sam being shipped off, our adventure group is going to be doing a level 23 adventure. So I wanted to make a fun, Indiana Jones-eque character who used a whip as his main and a rapier as a secondary. All I have now is the class selection and one feat. Any suggestions would be appreciated (This is 3.5e btw)

Race: Human (just for fun)

4 levels fighter/9 levels swashbuckler/10 levels whipmaster

Feats: Daring Warrior
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Join date : 2011-01-25
Age : 32
Location : Brookings, SD

Whip-er-snapper Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whip-er-snapper   Whip-er-snapper I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 04, 2011 9:24 am

Sorry it has taken so long for me to reply. Um you seem to have it down fairly well. I could recommend the use of diehard(Indie always seems to be able to get back up and fight some more once her is knocked down), have dodge, at lv 23 you can make it epic dodge. I would most make sure your character has a moderate str., con. and wis. amount, a high int., dex., and cha. to try to replicate the character. I am not sure what exactly you are looking for because you seem to know what you are doing and have it set up on how to do it.
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Join date : 2011-01-27

Whip-er-snapper Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whip-er-snapper   Whip-er-snapper I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 12:17 pm

Oh I was just looking for fun suggestions Smile Something to twerk Will Wink Wound up throwing him up in an hour or so, managed to peel off hundreds of points worth of damage per full round attack Smile I used to two-weapon fighting tree so I had a bunch of attack. Lasher gives me extra attacks with a whip so I wound up having six attacks at my max attack bonus.
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Whip-er-snapper Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whip-er-snapper   Whip-er-snapper I_icon_minitime

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